
Fernando Fajardo

Who am I? I’m a Christian. I‘m a husband to one exceptional woman named Lupe and a father to three wonderful children Emmanuel, Fernando, and Gabriel. I’m a Art teacher for thirteen years servicing the community, I live in and was raised in. I’ve known I wanted to be an Art teacher since I was in 2nd grade because I hated my Art teacher after she told me I wasn’t allow to draw cartoons. Now I’m a Comic book creator. As far back as I can remember, I always drawn superheroes and loved reading comics. I credit comics for so much in my life such as reading, I would never have cared too look at words if it weren’t for those dynamic pictures. I have put all that I am in creating the The Protest #1.

The Protest was drawn exclusively at night on my iPad, on Procreate while my son slept next to me.